Data Encryption
Media assets and credentials are encrypted while at rest using industry standard AES (data) and SHA( credentials) algorithms.

The Open Web Application Security Project (OWASP) is a 501(c)(3) worldwide not-for-profit charitable organization focused on improving the security of software

Shared Access Signatures (SAS)
Restricted access to storage accounts

User Authentication
Over Active Directory, QuickLaunch, Active Directory Federation Services, Azure AD, Shibboleth, CAS, and LDAP

Secure and confidential authentication is required for access to applications and data through API.
API calls, User Credentials and other sensitive information in transit, would be encrypted using standard transport layer security algorithms that provide point to point to confidentiality.
I-Made leverages industry leading Amazon Web Services (AWS) cloud infrastructure and deployment capabilities to benefit from state of the art security safeguards that are applied stringently
Infrastructure Security
I-Made can explore options that enable private, dedicated connections and leverage encryption in transit with Transport Layer Security (TLS).

DDoS Mitigation
I-Made can leverage AWS services built from ground up to provide resilience and capable of an automatic response to DDoS help minimize time to mitigate and reduce impact.

We implement security best practices to meet industry-based compliance. I-Made products and services are compliant with US and EU Privacy Policy, Cloud Security Alliance, ISO and HIPAA.

Data Encryption
I-Made can leverage AWS’s Flexible Key Management Options along with dedicated Hardware based
cryptographic key storage.

Monitoring and Logging
I-Made gets what’s happening in AWS environment through deep visibility into API calls, streamlining investigations and compliance reporting.

Identity and Access Control
AWS offers I-Made with capabilities to define, enforce, and manage user access policies across AWS services.
I-Made is committed to safeguarding the confidentiality, integrity and availability of information that our clients share with us.
Data Security and Integrity
I-Made follows ISO 27001 driven systematic approach to manage the security of sensitive information and is designed to identify, manage and reduce the range of threats to which your information is regularly subjected.

Business Continuity
Avoid downtime with management of risk, legal compliance and vigilance of future security issues and concerns.

Legal Compliance
Understand how statutory and regulatory requirements impact your organization and its customers and reduce risk of facing prosecution and fines.

Improved Risk Management
Ensure customer records, financial information and intellectual property are protected from loss, theft and damage through a systematic framework.

Customer Satisfaction
Give customers confidence that their personal information is protected and confidentiality upheld.

Proven Business Credentials
Independent verification against a globally recognized industry standard speaks volumes.